Meet Karen

Back in 2018, I found myself desperate for change.

We had just found out we were pregnant with baby #2, and I felt completely overwhelmed.

After multiple miscarriages, I knew it was truly a blessing to be bringing another child into the world. At the same time, I was already struggling to hold it all together.

I knew I needed to get ruthless in my endeavor to declutter and organize our home.

“You deserve to live a life that lights you up inside. Simplifying the clutter in your home and mind creates space to make that dream a reality.”

I believe in:

Letting it be easy. Decluttering doesn’t have to be this overwhelming task- even if you’re not a naturally organized person.

Decluttering doesn’t have to be dramatic. I help you discover what you really need and love so that it becomes simple to part with what you don’t.

If we want our families to get on board with simplifying, we mamas have to lead by example. Behavior is caught, not taught.

While other little girls dreamed of weddings, I always dreamed about becoming a mom and creating a beautiful home that was a refuge for my future family (I know, I’ve always been a little extra when it comes to planning).

As a single girl, I discovered minimalism back in 2007, and began learning what it meant to live a life of less. But somewhere between the wedding registry and a few babies, my home became more of a burden than a blessing.

Once I became a mom, there were so many more demands on my time. My home could no longer be a priority, yet the mess created such a mental burden that I couldn’t function in it.

I was living in a constant state of overwhelm- my to-do list was miles longer than the time I had to give it and my home became my biggest source of stress. It drained my energy, took away the time I had to spend with my family, and made me feel anxious. It’s so terrible, but I thought about the relief I would feel if my home burned down on more than one occasion (maybe you’ve felt that desperate, too).

God had blessed me with a beautiful life, yet the clutter and chaos kept me from actually living it. Things had to change. That’s when I decided to ruthlessly declutter. Since then, I’ve said goodbye to over 15,000 things, and I’ve never felt more relieved.

Now I’m on a mission to help other mamas simplify their own homes and lives so that they can experience the same freedom and joy that comes from crafting an intentional life around the things that matter most. I’m excited to be a part of your journey to live with less!

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