DIY Toy Box Plans

DIY Toy Box Plans

When creating EJ’s Montessori style toddler room, I scoured antique stores to find a piece that could work as a toy box and storage unit combination.  I enjoy filling our home with unique, found pieces.  There’s something about curating a space through repurposing pieces that feels so much more authentic than just picking up something…

Stages of Play Development: What they are and why they matter
Family & Motherhood

Stages of Play Development: What they are and why they matter

In this post: We’ll discuss Mildred Parten’s 6 stages of play development and why they are important when it comes to understanding child development and parenting young children. Mildred Parten Newhall was an American sociologist who was credited as one of the first researchers to investigate play and how it shapes childhood development.  Her research…

How to Achieve Big Goals – Planning to Build the Life You Want

How to Achieve Big Goals – Planning to Build the Life You Want

In this post: Learn how to achieve big goals in your life with this 5 part framework for success.  What’s your someday list look like? Someday, I’ll work for myself.I’ll lose the weight someday.Someday I’ll finish my degree.I’ll make time for travel, someday. Someday, I’ll {enter your own deferred dream here}. Chances are, you have…